Windows 8 Tablet Market Might Dodge Apple’s iPad


Windows 8 Tablet Market Might Dodge Apple’s iPad

Windows 8, Microsoft’s latest version of its legendary operating system is already out. The reviews are coming and the PC Magazine notes are showing a lot of them on Twitter. The new suite is “radically different,” according to ABC News, which gave the new program a glowing write-up. Windows 8 is designed to work on desktops, tablets and mobile devices.

Windows 8 Tablet Rival With Apple’s iPad

Some see a major rivalry coming with Apple. Now will the Windows 8 tablet ecosystem have a chance at knocking the iPad out of its tablet-dominant position? Will that mean that Windowswill now see as frequent tinkering and updates to its mobile product line as users have received from Apple? A good question. Professional reviewers are weighing in, too, beyond the question of whether this marks the death of Flash, to take up what the system feels like to use.

Windows 8 Tablet Might Dominate Over iPad

The Tablet might dominate over iPad in the market since Windows 8 can now be run in the tablet. Apple will never tell you that they’ve got a tablet for sale, they’ve got an iPad for sale. As Chris Davies will tell you, not everyone loves the iPad and, believe it or not, some people purchase tablet computers just so they can run Android, even if they have to hack them to get it. US retailer Best Buy is taking tablets seriously with a massive floor setting – Android clearly dominates the floor with sheer numbers.

Windows 8 Tablet Versus Apple’s iPad

The reason the iPad sells well is that people don’t go shopping for a tablet, they go shopping for an iPad. If people realize they can get a tablet version of their PC running Windows and they see this as the easier choice before re-learning another OS, iOS or Android (or maybe even BlackBerry), Microsoft will have a winner on their hands. On the first night that Windows 8 was available for download, a supposed 500,000 downloadswere recorded. Apple does not release information on such numbers, but it is expected since iOS updates are now pushed to devices. Meanwhile we should also consider the following fact for long-term evolution of the platform: Windows 8 supports all apps that have worked in the past for Windows 7. This means, for example, your Windows 8 tablet will be able to run Photoshop without a problem. That said, the Apple App Store has always been in a better position than competitors in regards to app piracy, while PC apps have been pirated rampantly for quite a few years now.

In this article you learned that Windows 8, Microsoft’s latest version of its legendary operating system is already out. Some see a major rivalry coming with Apple. For this reason, Windows 8 tablet might dominate the market more than Apple’s iPad.
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